Estimated Arrival: Between Jan 06 and Jan 10. *ETA to USA Only
The Biscuit Eater is a 2002 family drama film that follows the story of a young boy named Lonnie McNeil, portrayed by Johnny Whitaker. Lonnie's life takes a turn when he befriends a young bird dog. Set against the backdrop of the picturesque Tennessee countryside, Lonnie decides to train the dog as a hunting companion. However, he soon discovers that his newfound friend has a mischievous streak, with an insatiable appetite for biscuits.
With the encouragement of his friend Text, Lonnie embarks on a journey to transform the mischievous dog into a championship-worthy bird dog. As they spend their days working tirelessly in the beautiful rural landscape, Lonnie and Text forge a bond not only with the dog but also with each other. Their determination and unwavering friendship form the core of the narrative.
As Lonnie and Text navigate the challenges of training and the dog's amusing biscuit obsession, the film explores themes of loyalty, perseverance, and the unique connections that form between humans and animals. Through their efforts, they uncover the true potential of their four-legged companion and learn important life lessons along the way.