Estimated Arrival: Between Jan 24 and Jan 28. *ETA to USA Only
Better Call Saul is a television drama series that serves as a prequel to the acclaimed show "Breaking Bad." Season 2, which premiered in 2016, continues the story of Jimmy McGill's transformation into the unscrupulous criminal lawyer Saul Goodman.
The season picks up where the previous one left off, with Jimmy struggling to deal with the aftermath of his shady business dealings and his strained relationships with his brother Chuck and former lover Kim Wexler. As he becomes more deeply involved in the criminal underworld, Jimmy finds himself caught between his desire to succeed and his conscience, leading to a series of tense and dramatic confrontations with his various associates and enemies.
One of the season's major storylines involves the introduction of Gus Fring, a drug kingpin who becomes a major player in the "Breaking Bad" universe. Fring's arrival in Albuquerque sets off a chain of events that brings Jimmy and Mike Ehrmantraut, the former cop and fixer, into his orbit and sets the stage for future conflicts.
Throughout the season, "Better Call Saul" continues to explore the themes of morality, ambition, and the corrosive effects of the criminal underworld on the characters' personal lives. The performances of Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, and Rhea Seehorn as Kim Wexler are particularly noteworthy, as they navigate the complexities of their characters' relationships and motivations.