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Cars 3

Cars 3

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    Estimated Arrival: Between May 20 and May 24. *ETA to USA Only

    Cars 3 is a 2017 computer-animated sports comedy-drama film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film serves as the third installment in the "Cars" franchise and follows the story of Lightning McQueen, a legendary race car who is forced to confront the challenges of aging and modern technology. 

    In the film, Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson) finds himself facing a new generation of high-tech race cars who threaten to push him into retirement. Determined to prove he still has what it takes, Lightning seeks the help of a young race technician named Cruz Ramirez (voiced by Cristela Alonzo) and embarks on a journey to reclaim his status as a racing champion. 

    Throughout the film, Lightning learns important lessons about humility, perseverance, and the value of mentorship. Along the way, he also reconnects with old friends and discovers new talents, including his ability to inspire others and be a true leader.

    The film features stunning animation and a heartwarming story that appeals to audiences of all ages. The voice cast, which also includes Larry the Cable Guy, Nathan Fillion, and Armie Hammer, delivers exceptional performances that bring the characters to life and make the film a memorable addition to the "Cars" franchise.